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A world class approach by a world class team
Health & Safety
It is the company`s policy to comply with the terms of all Health and Safety legislation and to provide, maintain and continually improve a healthy and safe working environment. Our main objective is to eliminate any instances of occupational accidents and illnesses, improve well-being of our staff, protect the public affected by our operations and continuously improve general safety to ultimately achieve an accident-free workplace. In doing so we will:
Sustainability and Environmental
The Company understands the social, economic and environmental impact that the Fabrication and Construction industry can have if processes are not managed and controlled in and proper manner. This will be achieved through:
Business Ethics
It is the intention of the Company to work in an ethical and efficient manner and therefore minimise the impact and damage that unfair and uncontrolled practices can have. The company will act with integrity and challenge any unfair or unethical practices. We will do so by:
We are fully committed to: “raising the bar on safety, competence and commitment”.
Our client and the wider public deserve the highest level of service and we therefore actively encourage innovation, brain storming and challenges which our unique workforce are able to provide.
Our aim is to avoid rework which is achieved by having a competent and knowledgeable workforce who are committed to quality and providing them with the information and guidance to do so.
We aim to ensure that our products and services meet the highest level of requirements to our customers at all times. We operate a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 specific to the provision of fabrication, refurbishment and erection services related to structural steelwork for railway, motorway, and marine structures, and all associated works.